Last fall I screened "The Calm at the Edge of the Sea" at the Henry Miller Library in Big Sur, California. I stayed the night in my friend Leah's guest house. It was a trailer built into a mountain, and it was built over with redwood. Beside the trailer was an ancient swimming pool that overlooked a long gully that went out to the sea. I was very impressed by the trailer, and wished that I had more time to stay and possibly spend a week writing. Unfortunately I didn't have time, and left the next morning. In winter, Leah proposed the idea that I come and visit again, and this time stay a while. I almost brought myself to it, but I find myself lazy in Los Angeles, and never made the decision.
Yesterday I received an email from Leah. She and her boyfriend Erin had to evacuate their home, and lost the beloved trailer in the fire. Their house however escaped destruction.
There isn't a moral to the story, for this isn't really a story at all. It's just the way it is. I will regret my laziness in the winter of 2008. The trailer won't be waiting for me, and their won't be a word written in the swimming pool's presence. Everyone is safe, and that's as good as it's going to get this summer, yet as far as living goes, that's pretty damned alright.
Link to photos of Big Sur from 2007: