
boo boo forever

The remaining evidence of "calm" being scored.
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I decided that in 2007 I will only take pictures of people drinking coffee on my porch. It's a wonderful place to drink coffee and listen to Khanate in winter time, it's a wonderful place to take pictures of people drinking coffee.
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I usually argue with people late at night while drinking, and often don't have any recollection of it ever happening by morning. This happened last night, and I woke with a guilty feeling of arguing. I thought, well if I hurt somebodies feeling then they probably left me a nasty voice mail. I checked my voicemail and there were no messages. I know I yelled at someone, but I feel better knowing that it is an unsolved mystery of a late nigh drinking binge, forever locked in memories that don't exist. Oh by the way, James snorted some dead woman's ashes and I am still drunk from last night.