Porches 2 - Holloween 2006
Paul and I on Holloween. He is a black metal banana and I am a stoner witch. We drove around in Hollywood listening to Emperor, headbanging and grimacing at chicks in BMWs. It was fun. I stuck my ID and credit card in my underwear, that was a bad idea. I convinced a girl later that night that she was a reincarnated hollywood actress and asked if I could have her number, which she gave me and I later threw into a hollywood trash can. I also tried to pick a fight with 6 guys dressed like Cobra Kai from Karate Kid. They pushed me into the street and told me I was a dipshit. Then I tried to get into a cab with one of the Cobra Kai's girlfriends. Not wanting to actually go anywhere, just to provoke them to beat me up. They didn't. It was a wonderful night.